Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Live by Grace

A few days ago my friends came to my home and we talked about many things we wanted to talk about. I slipped saying some of my future plans to them. Then they answer antagonistically, sinisterly and at laugh of course, mocking of my plans. Well, at that very moment I felt regret and disappointed, and felt like "Oh My God! How could I be so stupid! Since they wouldn't understand at all. They live for their own sake, for their own state only.

Suddenly my heart's trembling. Yes, I've been following HIM for at least 6 years. No, I'm not in hunger and my all my needs are provided. Yet, I'm not that rich. I even don't get some very great job at all. I want to be a teacher. Yet, as a teacher you could not hope for the prosperity at all. Everything's just enough. But somehow, the words of GOD said that "DON'T JUST RELY ON YOUR SALARY OF YOUR JOB!!" Rely on HIM only!! 

But you know how hard it is??? Very very hard. Yes, in the middle of society where people only take care about their selves. Can you just stand up for a different way of thinking and being mocked??? Can you handle how they look down upon you at very beginning? Because when you are walking with GOD, we might not always see the beautiful flowers along the way. but we see a hard rocky road and sometime fainted. But can you just continue your journey???

Actually, that time, I was crying unto GOD. "GOD, it is hard to give all myself. I, in human being, i wanted to get a prospected job which could brings the prosperity. But I know the truth. There is no Job which can bring prosperity. NOT ANY!! "berkat TUHAN yang menjadikan kaya, susah payah tidak akan menambahinya" it's even better, HE gave me GIFT and GRACE. It makes you with less power, you will get more result. So, if you have HIS GRACE then you should work harder. Why??? just imagine, with half power you can get a triple result. If you do something with all of your power, it would be 1000 times result in your life. But for someone who didn't understand the truth, even they force themselves to work harder, they will only get the maximal they can get with their own power.
 I was crying to GOD. Worried about all my future. I myself wanted to be a rich girl, but only for myself and my pleasure, yes I admit it. Then, I listened the streaming of Sunday Service at JKI INJIL KERAJAAN SEMARANG through RHEMA RADIO. 

Well, God answer all my crying and worrying!

Pastor Petrus Agung said some GOD's truth about "DERET HITUNG dan DERET UKUR". If you only wanted to get wealth for yourself, GOD will only ADD something for you. Yes, You will be enough but not prosper. But when you wanted something for other people's live, GOD may provide your needs in MULTIPLE TIMES. There is no longer added one by one, but you will get everything in multiple times. For the example, JESUS divided a piece of bread for his disciples on Kemaus,  but the bread only became two piece of bread. It was different with the 5 breads that JESUS divided for thousands people who'd there for HIM. The five breads became more than enough pieces of bread for all of them, even the breads left for 12 bucketfuls.

It means, when you prayed to find a job for only provide your needs, you will get a sufficient numbers for yourself. But when you are willing to give your life, time and wanted to find a job for being a JOB-MAKER so many people will get a job from you, GOD WILL PROVIDE THE ASSETS ABUNDANTLY, PROSPEROUSLY, MULTIPLY. 

actually, walking with GOD is a grace for HIMSELF alone. Nobody would dare to believe the way of living with HIM, unless HE gives it into our lives.  Unless, day by day HE shows the day. Full of risk, yes. But at the end, not only the prosperity we get, but we also please HIM in HIS ways. 

Now I know, I give myself to HIM, not because my power, not my might. I walk and trust HIM, not because I was so greeeaaaattt or something. But, I only lived by GRACE. from the very first time, when HE CALLED ME to be HIS follower, I know this is my destiny to give MY ALL for HIM. why?? Because HE caught me already. HE LOVED ME. and yes, maybe I feel HIS LOVE more than my friends did. Not because I'm so special. But I cherished the way I get my Christianity, I cherished the moment I gave all of my life to love and loved by HIM. I treats HIS LOVES as THE GREATEST TREASURE OF MY LIFE. That's why I always feel my life is no longer mine. Whatever HE wants me to do, here I am to serve. 

May be people who was born as a christian, and do not need any hard time to get that, so they see it just a RELIGION. 

Christianity is not a religion, You don't have to be so religious, but YOU HAVE TO GIVE YOUR LIFE FOR HIM. Simply, with your working, with everything's you do. Some of them only see that the Christianity must be on the Church. NO, Christianity is living by HIS GRACE. With his Kindness and share it with another. Our families, friends, neighborhood, people in everywhere. That's the religious one. You don't have to judge people around with the Bible verses but show the truth and make them admit that they wrong. 

simply, Work with GOD.

Cherish your life with GOD! :)

Be blessed

-Lee Naomi-


Ninda Rahadi said...

naaat ayo kerja kerja

Naomi Nadia said...

ini juga lagi kerja neng... cuma informal aja hehehe...
